About VAP > Aims

The aim of VAP is a global humanity free of war, nationalist, sectarian, class and racial hatred, injustice and exclusion, where every individual is free to be themselves, as long as they do not infringe on the freedom of others.
Our aim is a society based on mutual toleration and understanding, humanism, co-operation and environmental sustainability.
To achieve our aim we have the following objectives (from our constitution):
"To promote peaceful relations within and between communities by providing opportunities for voluntary service in a spirit of international understanding without distinction of race, creed, age, gender or sexual orientation, within the United Kingdom and abroad, giving training advice and support to volunteers from the United Kingdom undertaking their service among communities suffering deprivation or marked by a particular cultural identity; the advancement of education, and in particular development education, through both formal and informal learning.
Voluntary service may include activities to develop interpersonal understanding between different social classes, races, cultures, religions and nationalities, alleviate poverty and ill health, relieve distress especially in the aftermath of conflict and natural disaster; strengthen the capacity of communities to fend for themselves, care for disadvantaged and handicapped children and adults, conserve cultural and environmental heritage, educate adults and children both generally, and specifically in the fields of health, development and intercultural learning."